Constitutional History

The constitution envisages Hindi as the common official language. But it could not straight away replace English due to various reasons. Suffice it to note that the controversy about language threatened the unity of the country and the constituent assembly adopted half-heartedly a compromise formula known as ” Munishi-Ayyangar Formula resulting in the introduction of part XVII in the Constitution containing special provisions relating to language.

  • Chapter I of part XVII of the constitution relates to language of the Union (Article 342 and 344)
  • Chapter II deals with Regional Languages (Article 345 to 347)
  • Chapter III deals with the language of the Supreme Courts and the High Courts (Article 348 and 349)
  • Chapter IV provides certain special directives (Articles 350, 350A, 350 B and 351.

In pursuance of the said provision, the parliament passed the Official Language Act, 1963 (Act 19 of 1963), by which the continuance of English language for the official purpose of the Union and for use in Parliament beyond the period of fifteen years fron the commencement of the constitution was authorised.

Eight schedule of the Indian Constitution lists 22 languages.

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