Origin and History

State Official Language Legislative Commission

India is a country of vast diversity in languages. Language is the tool of communication. Language is spoken and heard, written and read, to bring people together and to make community / Law and society are related to each other / Law control the existence of state. Civilization and culture of a state is measured by the system of Administration of Justice prevailing in a country.

The render lying concept of Rule of Law is that people should understand and appreciate the nature of Administration of Justice.

Laws coded in language and legal concepts are accessible only through language. Laws has its own technical language which is called legal language and it is different from common or ordinary language, with its own terminology and style. The rules of language are known as subsidiary rules. The ejusdem generis rule literally means of the same kind.

[The general word shall not extend in its effect beyond subjects ejusdem generis.

[A rule of construction} உரிச்சொல்/ சட்டத்துறை ஒத்தவகை]

Languages can be divided into various categories in accordance with the use, such as scientific language, Commercial language. legal language so on so forth. This Commission particularly deals with legal language giving appropriate translation for legal terms and languages. Linguistic characteristics of the language of law are manifested with respect to lexicon, syntax, pragmatics and style.

The adequate flow of communication to different categories of persons are necessary for natural justice/ English is the lingua franca that bridges the languages divide across different states. Language should not be barrier of communication with regard to knowledge.

Constitutional History

The constitution envisages Hindi as the common official language. But it could not straight away replace English due to various reasons.

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TamilNadu Legislation

There can be no difference of opinion with regard to the claim that the language of courts should be the language which people can understand namely, as far as. practicable. their mother-tongue

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Central Act

On the basis of the recommendation of the parliamentary committee constituted under Article 344 (4) of the Constitution of India, a presidential order was issued so as to constitute Official Language (Legislative) Commission at the Central level.

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In the year 1957, 19 day of November the Government of Tamil Nadu accorded sanction for the Constitution of Committee of Direction for the compilation of a glossary of Legal terms as a foundation for academic instruction in Law in the regional language. They shall extend to the whole of India, except the State of Tamil Nadu. Department of official Language was set up in June 1975 as an independent Department of the ministry of home Affairs.

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State Official Language (Legislative) Commission

The Government of Tamil Nadu to bring out the publications of Central and State Governments acts in Tamil to cater to the needs of subordinate courts especially for court officers, advocates and the public.

It is stated that the Fifth State Official Language (Legislative) Commission has been reconstituted by a G.O. (MS) No. 321 dated 05.06.2023 by appointing as

Hon’ble Mrs. Justice R. Tharani

Chairperson of the Commission

And Hon’ble chairperson sworn on 12.06.2023 as chairperson of the fifth state official language (legislative) commission.

The Commission translates and publishes the Acts enacted by Parliament and rules made there into Tamil. So, starting from the Constitution of India it had been translating Central Government Acts into our State Official Language.

The Commission would be translating into Tamil, State and Central Acts. Ordinances, rules, notification and other reports.

The main aim of the Commission is to bring out more publications with the adequate support of the Government.

Thirumathi Justice R. Tharani

Retd. Judge High Court, Madurai.

Thiru C.Gopi Ravikumar

Retd. Secretary to Government, Law Department, Government of Tamil Nadu.

Thiru A. Mohamed Jiyaputheen

Retired District Judge.

Thiru W.Wilsto Dhaspin


Dr.S.Murali Arooban

Associate Professor, New College, Chennai.

Tmt. Kanimozhi Mathi

Advocate, High Court of Madras

Thiru L.K. Vetrivel

Member Secratary
Joint Secretary to Government, Law Department, Secretariat, Government of Tamil Nadu.

This Commission has also translated many Central Acts and got authentication from the President of india, and also is the revised diglot edition of the Constitution of india (revised upto 31st January, 2021) incorporating all the amendments with Glossary have been published by this Commission.

The fourth State Official Language (Legislative) Commission was reconstituted on 29.08.2018. ,

The Hon’ble Thiru. Justice P.Kalaiyarasan

Retired Judge of the High Court, Madras

Chairman of the State Official Language (Legislative) Commission.

There are Three Full Time Members, Three Part-time Members and Member Secretary. The details are:-

Thiru Justice Pon.Kalaiyarasan

Retd. Judge High Court, Madras.

Thiru S.S.Poovalingam

Retd. Secretary to Government,
Law Department,
Government of Tamil Nadu.

Thiru A. Sankkaran

Advocate, Tamil Nadu

Thiru S. Baskar

Retd. District Judge,
Tamil Nadu.

Thiru S. Chockalingam

Part-Time Member
Retd. Director , Tamil Cell,
Law Department,
Government of Tamil Nadu.

Thiru N.Velu

Part-Time Member
Retd. District Judge,
Tamil Nadu.

Thiru. Dr. M. Muthuvelu

Part-Time Member
Retd. Professor,
Department of Tamil,
Presidency College,

Tmt B. Julia Shanthi, 2019 - 2021

Member Secretary
Deputy Secretary to Government, Law Department,
Government of Tamil Nadu.

Tmt P. Thamarai Selvi

Member Secretary
Joint Secretary to Government,
Law Department, Secretariat,
Government of Tamil Nadu.

There were four members in the Commission. The Commission translated the Indian Constitution in Tamil and published it. This Commission has also translated many Central Acts and published them in book form. The tenure of the Commission ended in the year 1972 and the commission was merged.

The Third State Official Language (Legislative) Commission was again reconstituted in the year 1989.

Thiru. M.Shanmuga Subramanian

Chairman of the Commission

The State Official Language (Legislative) Commission has been departmentalised in the year 1992 as a wing of the Law Department headed by an Additional Secretary to Government, Law Department under the overall control and supervision of the Secretary to Government, Law Department.

This Commission has translated Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Penal Code and Indian Evidence Act in three and half months and printed it TamilNadu Government press and published it on 14 November 1976. The Commission also published Glossary of Legal terms and translated Many Central Acts especially.

The second State Official Language (Legislative) Commission was reconstituted on 27th April 1976

Thiru. Justice S. Maharajan


 There were totally ten members in the Commission. They are

1. Thiru A.Chidambaran, B.A.,B.L.,

Retired Principal District Sessions Judge, Chennai- Full time Member.

2.Thiru K.Ramalingam, MA.

Part time Member

3.Thiru S.Raja Chettiyar, B.A.,B.L.

Part time Member

4.Thiru S.S. Ramasamy, B.Sc.B.L.

Part time Member

5.Thiru K.Balasubramaniyam., B.A.,B.L

Retired Secretary to Government Law Department,
Government of TamilNadu- Part time Member.

6.Thiru K.Muthupillai., B.A.

Retired Joint Secretary to Government- Part time Member.

7.Thiru S.Vadivelu, B.a.B.L.

Secretary, Law Department, Government of Tamil nadu-Ex-Officio Member.

8. Thiru, Kondal.Su.Mahadevan, B.Sc.,M.A.

Director, Tamil Development, Department, Government of Tamil nadu-

9.Thiru. Dr. Awai, Tu. Natarajan, M.A., M.Lit., Phd..

Director, Translation Department. Government of Tamil nadu-Ex-Officio Member.

10. Thiru K.Rajaram., B.Sc. B.L.

Deputy Secretary

11. Thiru.K.Mohanachandran, B.Sc., B.L.,D.L & A.L.

The first commission was instrumental in bringing out the Law Lexicon from Alphabets A to Z, which was published in the year 1968. The Law Lexicon is a By compendium of legal terms with adequate clarity and precision, rebid upon by Judges, Lawyers and public even today.

The First State official Language (Legislative) Commission Consisted of

Hon’ble Justice Thiru. M. Anantanarayanan, I.C.S.,

Chief Justice, High Court of Madras,

Another notable feature of the commission’s endeavour is the rendering of the Latin Legal maxims into Tamil maxims. By expressing the maxims appropriately in Tamil. The commission realized by experience, the peculiarly happy characteristics of the Tamil language for embodying such legal expression, namely brevity, condensation and directness.

In the first State Official Language (Legislative) Commission it is stated that, knowledge is ever growing and language, which is but a vehicle of knowledge, cannot be static. So, there can be no finality about any work of this kind. Hence, that Commission is conscious that there is room for improvement with regard to the various expression used in the Law Lexicon.

The Law Lexicon in Tamil published by the commission was first work of this kind and has not been published in any other Indian language at that time, which is an indispensable aid for the growth of legal literature in Tamil and for the translation of status in Tamil.

1.Thiru.S.Venkateswaran I.C.S.,(Retired),

Ex-Chief Secretary to the Government of Madras.
-Part-Time Member (upto 1966)

2.Dr. M.Varadarajan, M.A.M.O.L., Ph.D.

Professor of Tamil, University of Madras

3.Thiru S.Rangarajan, M.L

District Judge, - Part time Member

4.Thiru.T.S.Ramalingan, M.A.,B.L..

Secretary to Government, Law Department, Government of Madras,-
Ex-Officio Member.

5.Thiru V.karthikeyan, I.A.S.

Director of Development, Government of Madras-
Ex-Officio Member. (upto 1967)

6.Thiru.K.Appadurai, M.A (Tamil), MA (English).

LT and Visarad-Full-time Member

subramaniam, B.A.,B.L.,

Member Secretary

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