Functions of the commission

  • 1
    Verification by Working group

    After scrutinizing the Tamil version of the Central Acts, it will be sent to the Official Language Wing for placing before the Working Group

  • 2
    Approval by President of India

    After approval, the Sign Manual of the translation is printed and forwarded to the Official Language Wing for obtaining the authentication of His Excellency, the President of India.

  • 3

    The translated versions of the Acts approved by the President of India will be published as Authoritative Text in Part XI of the Gazette of India Extraordinary, which is set apart for Tamil language, as provided under section 2 of the Authoritative Texts (Central Laws) Act. 1973.

  • 4
    Available for Public

    The said Central Acts are published and are made available for sale to the public.


The work of preparation of Law Lexicon which is ‘Compendium of legal terms is being compiled in Alphabetical Order from various sources is in progress by the IT Wing of the Commission. It is proposed to Constitute a Lexicon Committee consisting of experts with knowledge in Law and Lexicography for finalising and publishing of Law Lexicon. The Commission finalizes the translated Tamil version of the Central Acts in the meetings held Tuesdays and Fridays participated by the Members, Member Secretary, Deputy Secretary. Translation Officers which is headed by the Chairperson.

Major Acts

The translation of major Acts like, The protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, The Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013 (Nirbaya) Act, The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 etc., for the welfare of the General Public. Efforts are being taken to update the three major Acts, Indian Penal Code, Indian Evidence Act and the Code of Criminal Procedure which were already published in the year 1976 in Tamil.

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